Titanica Art & Photography

February 8th, 2012 by admin

Mop cap, maid cap, housekeeping cap?

I don’t know what these are originally called, but I wanted to make a cap, like the maids used to wear back in the days. My fluffy silent dog  willingly performed as model this time. He’s so easy to work with!


The cap is made from some scrap fabric from a thin curtain. It’s quite easy to make. The cap is made by sewing two circular pieces (60 cm in diameter) together and then turned inside out (be sure skip about 10 cm to be able to turn it inside out).  Then I sewed two seams to make a “tube” for the elastic band about 5 cm from the outside seam. Should fit most adult people. :) I’d make it smaller for a child.


January 11th, 2012 by admin

Tea light candle holders

Tea light candle holders

I found the recipe for these sweet tea light candle holders in a blog somewhere, but I made my own twist to it. I got six very nice glasses from my mother, as she didn’t need them. The paper is laser printed sheet music, which were then put in a “coffee bath” to get the nice vintage colour. When they had dried up, I used a pattern scissor (asymmetric pattern) to cut out the paper and then I used an ink pad for making the edges brown and “weary”. The band is plain hemp cord. I also have red silk cord for using the candle holders for Christmas. I love to make things out of stuff lying around at home. It also helps saving money and the environment. :)


January 11th, 2012 by admin

Newly sewn pantaloons

I really wanted to make my own pantaloons. One day I spent almost two whole hours at a secondhand shop (Fretex in Norway) I found a lot of treasures, among them a very nice and very wide skirt. I decided to try to make pantaloons out of the it, and this is how it turned out. The method I used is very simple:

I cut from the bottom of the skirt up to where I wanted the crotch (don’t cut too far up, as  you need much space for your butt. :)). I then sewed it together. There is a rubber band in the waist. I thought about having rubber bans around the legs as well but my mother showed me how to first sew with lengthy stitches, and then pull the thread afterwards so that it gets the wrinkled effect. Don’t pull it too hard as you want room for your feet to go through.

September 11th, 2011 by admin

Home made leather arrow quiver

Foto: Karine T. Knudsen/Titanica Art

My “mother-in-law” gave me an old leather pouffe, because she was going to throw it away anyway. The leather was rather rotten, but I managed to get some leather pieces out of it that could be used, so I started to sew a quiver for my arrows. My boyfriend liked it so  much that I decided to give it to him, as archery is one of his interests. I thought about making some decoration on it, but it stinks so much when burning into leather, and the leather is so dark, that I skipped it. I’ve never tried carving leather, so I have no idea how people do it.

Anyway, this is how it turned out.






July 11th, 2011 by admin

Leather Viking Belt Pouch

A belt pouch I made for my boyfriend. I used a piece of wood for the lock. The thread is thin leather cord, and the pattern is burnt into the leather. Burning leather stinks (yeah, the smell..)!

November 16th, 2010 by admin

Our Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighting fish) mating HD

Our two Betta Splendens, Victor and Victoria, mating earlier this autumn.
Beautiful, aren’t they?

November 10th, 2010 by admin

Bok med hemmelig rom


Bok med hemmelig rom. Foto: Karine T. Knudsen/Titanica Art

Jeg lagde to slike bøker i julegaver til mine søstre, Solveig og Elise. De ble veldig overrasket da de prøvde å lese bøkene. Bøkene kan brukes til å oppbevare hemmelige eller verdifulle ting. Når bøkene er lukket er det umulig å se at de er uthulet inni. I prinsippet er det ikke vanskelig å lage slike bøker, men det krever litt muskler og tid. Jeg pådro meg også noen blemmer av all kuttingen.

Du trenger: en tykk bok, lim og pensel, metallinjal og en god hobby/tapetkniv, beskyttelsesfolie.

Valgfritt: filt/stoff, pynt, bilde, godteri.

Oppskrift: Skaff deg en tykk bok, f.eks fra en bruktbutikk, som du vet ikke kommer til å bli lest. La permene være som de er, spar på et par av de første sidene og tegn så opp en firkant på den neste siden, ca 2-3 cm fra kanten rundt. Så er det bare å ta frem metallinjalen og begynne å kutte. Du må kutte mange ganger og lage gode spor. (Jeg har undret i ettertid på om det er mulig å bore fire hull 2-3 cm fra hjørnene og bruke en liten sag i stedet for kniv.) Så er det bare å kutte ut sider for sider til du er i mål. Husk å ikke kutte i bakpermen! Det kan være lurt å legge en treplate mellom bakpermen og de arkene du skal kutte. Etter dette pakker du for- og bakpermen inn i plast eller annet så du ikke søler lim på disse. Lukk så boka. Nå skal du smøre lim langs sidekantene mens boka er lukket. Du kan gjerne legge litt vekt oppå boka, så sidene holder seg godt på plass mens limet tørker. Når limet er tørt, limer du sammen den tomme rammen til bakpermen og lukker boka. Legg den flatt og la det tørke godt med litt vekt på toppen. Når limet er tørt, er boka ferdig. Du kan nå velge om du vil pynte den med filt, paljetter, pynt og putte godis oppi. Du kan også lime inn et foto i bunnen.
Lykke til :) -Karine



May 6th, 2010 by admin

Noen av favorittfilmene mine

Based on the true story, FBI upstart Eric O’Neill enters into a power game with his boss, Robert Hanssen, an agent who was ultimately convicted of selling secrets to the Soviet Union.

The Departed

Two men from opposite sides of the law are undercover within the Massachusetts State Police and the Irish mafia, but violence and bloodshed boil when discoveries are made, and the moles are dispatched to find out their enemy’s identities.

Children of Men (science/action)
In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child’s birth may help scientists save the future of humankind.

Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage
A dramatization of the final days of Sophie Scholl, one of the most famous members of the German World War II anti-Nazi resistance movement, The White Rose.

The Last King of Scotland (drama/thriller)
In 1970, the just-graduated doctor Nicholas Garrigan moves to Uganda to get rid of his conservative father. While working in a mission in the country, he meets the new President Idi Amin after the coup-d’é-tat that overthrow the former government. He is invited to become his personal physician in Kampala and along the years he sees how despotic his friend is.

The Notebook
A poor and passionate young man falls in love with a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They soon are separated by their social differences.

Der Name der Rose/In the Name of the Rose
An intellectually nonconformist monk investigates a series of mysterious deaths in an isolated abbey.

The Wicker Man
A police sergeant is called to an island village in search of a missing girl whom the locals claim never existed. Stranger still, however, are the rituals that take place there.

Crash (2004)
Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter-related characters, a police detective with a drugged out mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the white district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist white veteran cop (caring for a sick father at home) who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with the racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and more.

Around the year 1000 AD warlike people, the so-called “tjuder”, roam in northern Scandinavia. As they brutally kill a family in a remote area, including the parents and their little daughter, the families teenage son, Aigin, observes the slaughter. He manages to flee from these killers and reaches a camp with other Lapps whose inhabitants are worried if he has been able to hide his track.

A former spy relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been forced into the slave trade.

An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father’s life, but then must fix the consequences.

Mystic River
With a childhood tragedy that overshadowed their lives, three men are reunited by circumstance when one loses a daughter.

12 Angry Men
A dissenting juror in a murder trial slowly manages to convince the others that the case is not as obviously clear as it seemed in court

This is England
A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends even like family. Based on experiences of director Shane Meadows.

Behind Enemy Lines
A Navy navigator is shot down over enemy territory and is ruthlessly pursued by a secret police enforcer and the opposing troops. Meanwhile his commanding officer goes against orders in an attempt to rescue him.

The Stoning of Soroya
A drama set in 1986 Iran and centered on a man, Sahebjam, whose car breaks down in a remote village and enters into a conversation with Zahra, who relays to him the story about her niece, Soraya, whose arranged marriage to an abusive tyrant had a tragic ending. (Also check out the Soundtrack)

May 6th, 2010 by admin

Solveig & Kaya synger

Storesøster Solveig og jeg synger  “Jeg er ikke redd”. Pappa spiller piano. Vi var 7 og 5 år gamle. :)
Pappa var også leder i Nei til Atomvåpen på 80-tallet en gang. Jeg slet litt med den store fakkelen. :)

January 30th, 2007 by admin

På tur i et Cessna 172R-fly

Lørdag, 27. januar fikk jeg sjansen til å bli med på en tur i et 4-manns Cessna-fly. Det var moro. Det var ganske trangt inni der, men jeg fikk trøkka ned fua i baksetet. Noen minutter etter at vi hadde letta fra flyplassen på Kjevik, fikk jeg øye på noe merkelige hus midt inni skogen. Jeg trodde først jeg hadde oppdaget en usivilisert eventyrby, men byen viste seg å være Kardemomme By i Dyreparken. Jeg fikk akkurat tatt et bilde før vi var forbi.

Vi kjørte videre til Lillesand hvor vi snudde igjen for å kjøre mot Søgne. Vi ble fulgt av et helikopter, så vi måtte ligge litt høyt og utenfor kysten, men vi fikk med oss utsikten ned til kyststripa. Da vi kom til Søgne tok jeg noen flere bilder der, og akkurat idet jeg var i ferd med å titte på bildene i kameraet, sa piloten: “Er dere klare for en litt krapp sving?” Jeg nikket mens jeg titta videre på bildene. Plutselig la han hele flyet vertikalt i lufta, og hverken magen eller hodet mitt var med på leken. Jeg fikk rett og slett litt sjokk! Men så lukket jeg øynene hardt og tenkte at det snart var over. Det var helt sykt! Var akkurat som å være i en karusell. Mamma hadde garantert spydd. Jeg spydde ikke. Etter dette ble jeg litt kvalm, og jeg var altfor varm, så jeg tok av skjerfet og løsnet litt på selen. Det hjalp.

Jeg vil gjerne fly igjen, men neste gang vil jeg sitte foran og være co-pilot, så jeg kan styre. ;) Piloten var veldig hyggelig! Han heter Helge Aasen og er med i Kjevik Flyklubb.

Her er noen bilder fra turen: